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Siblings Group


A sibling is the first friend you ever have and they are supposed to be the longest relationship you have during your life.

Sadly, many young adults are losing their siblings at an alarming rate due to the opioid epidemic. While they are feeling lost in the pain of their parent’s grief, they are struggling for support with their own. Their family structure has dramatically changed and unfortunately so has their lives.

As the Founder of Build the Banner of Love, Inc., I saw a great need for the siblings to have a group of their own. A safe place where they are free to talk about their loss, their fears, their feelings, and their memories. If you have lost a sibling to addiction, please do not grieve in silence. We provide a safe place where you can be among peers who are working through the same feelings

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When a parent dies, you lose the past. When a child dies, you lose the future. When a sibling dies, you lose the past and the future.

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